Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky,
I start thinking of you and then ask myself, why?
Why do I love you? I think and smile,
because I know the list could run on for miles.
The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch,
so many little things that make me love you so much.
The way you support me, and help with my emotions,
the way that you care and show such devotion.
The way that your kiss, fills me with desire,
and how you hold me with the warmth of a blazing fire.
The way your eyes shine when you look at me,
lost with you forever is where I want to be.
The way that I feel when you're by my side,
a sense of completion and overflowing pride.
The dreams that I dream, that all involve you,
the possibilities I see and the things we can do.
How you finish the puzzle that lies inside my heart,
how that deep in my soul, you are the most important part.
I could go on for days, telling of what I feel,
but all you really must know is my love for you is real
alwaes daedreamin
and i love my hubby jason!
Devil vs Angel *
Saturday, June 25, 2005
2:17:00 am
juz read jas's blog.time flies.seem like yesterdae is the dae im preparing for my o's..i miss my frenz badly.esp all my close frenz.jas..i miss sry.i understand how u sry tt im very insensitive at tt seems like we are drifting awae.i wonder are we still best frenz? think i shall go to bed isnt a gd nite for me=(
Devil vs Angel *
it been quite some time since i last updated.things in da past, nv gonna bring it im juz still okie.put green braces.lazy to type out wat i do lately..juz feeling abit bad.i wonder wat's wrong wit me.i choose nt to sae bt at da same time i might nt be able to take im n suppose to be selfish.guess i still can manage.think im abti immature at times.stupid thinking..haha.."angela, u okie?" term tests are round da wk gonna take back all my quiz papers.lately all the lab grading i still can wk is da test.whoa..time sure pass real fast in poly.the next min, i might be receving tons of project and leaving all my classmates.change class time.sniff='(... im so lucky i chose telecom for 2nd jae.those hu under etcm hav to depend on their first sem results.and telecom is the hardest to get matter wat, im gonna work hard.learnt my lessons..oh ya..i gt into modern tt suppose to be gd news? the audition abit tough, wit so many stretching and dance like so lousy..wonder how practice will be like..waiting......